Understanding Metabolism

Understanding metabolism and how to speed it up is a sure way to lose weight quickly and safely. Your 'metabolic rate’ is the speed at which your body metabolizes the food you ingest. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body digests food, absorbs its nutrients, distributes them around the body and burns calories for energy. If your body has a slow metabolic rate it performs these processes quite slowly compared to someone with a fast metabolism and you’ll tend to put weight on rather easily. A slow metabolism will make it very difficult for you to lose weight.

In contrast to a ‘slow metabolism’ is a ‘fast metabolism’ or faster metabolic rate where the opposite occurs. Someone with a fast metabolism naturally digests, absorbs, distributes and burns calories much quicker than someone with a slow metabolism. Someone with a fast metabolism tends to naturally be slim and will find it harder to put weight on. People with a fast metabolism seem to be able to eat anything they want and never seem to put on any weight? How lucky these people appear to be compared to those with a slow metabolism who struggle to lose weight. 

Why Do People Have Different Metabolic Rates?

There are various reasons why people have different metabolic rates. Although it’s true that people are just born the way they are with different systems, metabolisms and constitutions, there will still be reasons why a person can develop a slower metabolism over time, and, if you are the type of person who is born with a slow metabolism there are still things you can do to help speed it up.

A slow metabolic rate can develop overtime due to;

  • Age
  • Long-term poor diet
  • Lack of Exercise


As we get older our bodies naturally degenerate and require less nutrients to sustain itself. Our internal organs just do not work as well as they once did. A gradual slowing down of the metabolic processes of our system is inevitable. Depending on our diet of course, we naturally put on weight more easily and find it harder to lose it due to this slowing down of the metabolic processes. This is why many of us tend to put on weight more easily as we get older.

Long-term Poor Diet

I think it's likely to say that most of us know that an unhealthy diet that lacks fibre, nutrients and life-giving antioxidants is not healthy for the body? Add to this the hard to digest, high protein, high carbohydrate, high fat, high volume meals over years and years, and maybe you can appreciate just how hard some people's bodies have been working all their lives and how hard they've been pushed?

Eating a poor diet long-term will undoubtedly put a long-term strain on the physical system that will not only slow down your body's metabolism, but will also ultimately accelerate the ageing process!? Eating cleaner and healthier long-term can obviously have benefits other than weight loss?!

Lack of Exercise

Keeping mobile and active can certainly help us in many ways too. I'm sure you're well-aware of the importance of getting adequate exercise to help keep us healthy and fit? An appropriate exercise routine can also help to speed up our metabolism too though when combined with a healthy diet plan or quick weight loss diet of some kind or another. Getting the correct exercise routine for YOU is very important too as we are all very different so you don't want to overdo it.

I've engaged in many exercise routines from boxing to London marathons and I'm a firm believer that the idea of 'no pain no gain' is NOT the best way forward for many. I believe the best approach to starting any exercise routine is to start slow and steady and see how you feel the next day. You can then increase slowly over time if you feel up to it and build up gradually so you are able to increase the intensity. Please see exercises to burn fat for more on this.

If on the other hand you overdo it then you just end up sore. There really is no benefit in that at all as you cannot exercise on sore muscles! Well you can if you wish, but I really would not advise it as the body needs time to repair before commencing exercise or you'll just end up with long-term injuries and then you won't be able to exercise at all?

In my personal experience that spans forty years, slow and steady is the way forward as far as exercise is concerned

How to Speed it Up Your Metabolism

Speeding up your metabolism isn't hard if you're committed to the task. Basically, all you have to do is stimulate the system. As we have seen above, stimulating the system with exercise is one approach that can certainly help a lot. We can also stimulate the system through diet using various methods and ways such as the first quick weight loss diet on the home page. Combining a gentle exercise routine with a healthy change of diet is a sure way to speed up your metabolism to help you to lose weight quickly and safely.

Exercises to Burn FatQuick Weight loss Diet (Home)

Quick Weight Loss TipsDetoxification

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